Associateships – DC
Associateships include associates, associateships, and independent contractor positions (based on the criteria in the advertisement). Please click on the country/city to view available associate positions.
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United States
- California
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Listings Policy
It is the policy of National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) to provide a service to doctors of Chiropractic medicine and others who in the sole determination of NUHS meet the criteria for ad placement, by placing professional advertisements on the NUHS web site under the section called “Professional Opportunities.” The purpose for providing this service is to assist graduates in their process of locating ethical, legitimate opportunities for practice, whether through association, purchase, or independent contractor status. NUHS reserves the right to reject any ad that it feels will not be in the best interests of its students or its graduates and also reserves the right to discontinue any ad for the same reasons. Fees for placement of ads on the NUHS web site will be established from time to time and will be published on the site. A professional ad will appear for a period of 90 days before renewal is required unless the university determines, under this policy that it chooses not to run the ad or to remove it.