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​Academic Calendar

This is the academic schedule for both Illinois and Florida campuses. Please note that these dates may be subject to change. Abbreviations used: CAHS (College of Allied Health Sciences), CPS (College of Professional Studies).

Master of Science in Medical Science (MSMS) dates for Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025 have been added to the MSMS Academic Calendar.

Fall 2023 Trimester

Aug. 31New Student Orientation – CAHS
Sept. 1New Student Orientation – CPS
Sept. 4Labor Day Holiday
Sept. 5Start of Fall Trimester
Sept. 8Last day to add classes. No admission to classes after this date.
Oct. 13Last day to drop CAHS Session I courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Oct. 23-24CAHS Fall I accelerated courses final exams
Oct. 25CAHS Fall II accelerated courses start
Nov. 6Registration for Spring Trimester begins
Nov. 10Veterans Day Holiday (Observed)
Nov. 22Last day to drop 15-week courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Nov. 23-24Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 8Last day to drop CAHS Session II courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Dec. 14-15CAHS Fall II accelerated courses final exams
Dec. 15Commencement
Dec. 15End of Trimester
Dec. 18End of Trimester grades due

Spring 2024 Trimester

Jan. 4New Student Orientation - CAHS
Jan. 5New Student Orientation - CPS
Jan. 8Start of Spring Trimester
Jan. 12Last day to add classes. No admission to classes after this date.
Jan. 15Martin Luther King Day Holiday (Observed)
Feb. 16Last day to drop CAHS Session I courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Feb. 19President’s Day Holiday (Observed)
Feb. 26-27CAHS Spring I accelerated courses final exams
Feb. 28CAHS Spring II accelerated courses start
March 11Registration for Summer Trimester begins
March 29Last day to drop 15-week courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
April 12Last day to drop CAHS Session II courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
April 18-19CAHS Spring II accelerated courses final exams
April 19Commencement
April 19End of Trimester
April 23End of Trimester grades due

Summer 2024 Trimester

May 2New Student Orientation - CAHS
May 3New Student Orientation - CPS
May 6Start of Summer Trimester
May 10Last day to add classes. No admission to classes after this date.
May 27Memorial Day Holiday (Observed)
June 14Last day to drop CAHS Session I courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
June 19Juneteenth (Observed)
June 24-25CAHS Summer I accelerated courses final exams
June 26CAHS Summer II accelerated courses start
July 4Independence Day Holiday (Observed)
July 8Registration for Fall Trimester begins
July 26 Last day to drop 15-week courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Aug. 9 Last day to drop CAHS Session II courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Aug. 15-16CAHS Summer II accelerated courses final exams
Aug. 16Commencement
Aug. 16End of Trimester
Aug. 20End of Trimester grades due

* Please note that these dates may be subject to change.

Fall 2024 Trimester

Aug. 29New Student Orientation – CAHS
Aug. 30New Student Orientation – CPS
Sept. 2Labor Day Holiday
Sept. 3Start of Fall Trimester
Sept. 6Last day to add classes. No admission to classes after this date.
Oct. 11Last day to drop CAHS Session I courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Oct. 21-22CAHS Fall I accelerated courses final exams
Oct. 23CAHS Fall II accelerated courses start
Nov. 4Registration for Spring Trimester begins
Nov. 11Veterans Day Holiday (Observed)
Nov. 22Last day to drop 15-week courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Nov. 28-29Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 6Last day to drop CAHS Session II courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Dec. 12-13CAHS Fall II accelerated courses final exams
Dec. 12Comprehensive Qualifying Exam (MSMS - Spring Start Students)
Dec. 13Commencement
Dec. 13End of Trimester
Dec. 16End of Trimester grades due

* Please note that these dates may be subject to change.

Spring 2025 Trimester

Jan. 2New Student Orientation - CAHS
Jan. 3New Student Orientation - CPS
Jan. 10Last day to add classes. No admission to classes after this date.
Jan. 20Martin Luther King Day Holiday
Feb. 14Last day to drop CAHS Session I courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Feb. 17President's Day Holiday
Feb. 24-25CAHS Spring I accelerated courses final exams
Feb. 26CAHS Spring II accelerated courses start
March 10Registration for Summer Trimester begins
March 28Last day to drop 15-week courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
April 11Last day to drop CAHS Session II courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
April 17-18CAHS Spring II accelerated courses final exams
April 18Commencement
April 18End of Trimester
April 22End of Trimester grades due

* Please note that these dates may be subject to change.

Summer 2025 Trimester

May 1New Student Orientation - CAHS
May 2New Student Orientation - CPS
May 5Start of Summer Trimester
May 9Last day to add classes. No admission to classes after this date.
May 26Memorial Day Holiday
June 13Last day to drop CAHS Session I courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
June 19Juneteenth (Observed)
June 23-24CAHS Summer I accelerated courses final exams
June 25CAHS Summer II accelerated courses start
June 27Comprehensive Qualifying Exam (MSMS - Fall Start Students)
July 4Independence Day Holiday (Observed)
July 7Registration for Fall Trimester begins
July 25 Last day to drop 15-week courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Aug. 8 Last day to drop CAHS Session II courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Aug. 14-15CAHS Summer II accelerated courses final exams
Aug. 15Commencement
Aug. 15End of Trimester
Aug. 19End of Trimester grades due

* Please note that these dates may be subject to change.

Fall 2025 Trimester

Aug. 28New Student Orientation – CAHS
Aug. 29New Student Orientation – CPS
Sept. 1Labor Day Holiday
Sept. 2Start of Fall Trimester
Sept. 5Last day to add classes. No admission to classes after this date.
Oct. 10Last day to drop CAHS Session I courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Oct. 20-21CAHS Fall I accelerated courses final exams
Oct. 22CAHS Fall II accelerated courses start
Nov. 3Registration for Spring Trimester begins
Nov. 11Veterans Day Holiday (Observed)
Nov. 21Last day to drop 15-week courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Nov. 27-28Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 5Last day to drop CAHS Session II courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Dec. 11-12CAHS Fall II accelerated courses final exams
Dec. 12Commencement
Dec. 12End of Trimester
Dec. 15End of Trimester grades due

* Please note that these dates may be subject to change.

Spring 2026 Trimester

Jan. 8New Student Orientation - CAHS
Jan. 9New Student Orientation - CPS
Jan. 12Start of Spring Trimester
Jan. 16Last day to add classes. No admission to classes after this date.
Jan. 19Martin Luther King Day Holiday
Jan. 20Last day to drop CAHS Session I courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Feb. 16President's Day Holiday
March 2-3CAHS Spring I accelerated courses final exams
March 4CAHS Spring II accelerated courses start
March 16Registration for Summer Trimester begins
April 3Last day to drop 15-week courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
April 17Last day to drop CAHS Session II courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
April 23-24CAHS Spring II accelerated courses final exams
April 24Commencement
April 24End of Trimester
April 28End of Trimester grades due

* Please note that these dates may be subject to change.

Summer 2026 Trimester

May 7New Student Orientation - CAHS
May 8New Student Orientation - CPS
May 11Start of Summer Trimester
May 15Last day to add classes. No admission to classes after this date.
May 25Memorial Day Holiday
June 12Last day to drop CAHS Session I courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
June 19Juneteenth (Observed)
June 22-23CAHS Summer I accelerated courses final exams
June 24CAHS Summer II accelerated courses start
July 3Independence Day Holiday (Observed)
July 13Registration for Fall Trimester begins
July 31 Last day to drop 15-week courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Aug. 14 Last day to drop CAHS Session II courses (by 5:00 p.m. CST)
Aug. 20-21CAHS Summer II accelerated courses final exams
Aug. 21Commencement
Aug. 21End of Trimester
Aug. 25End of Trimester grades due

* Please note that these dates may be subject to change.