Once you decide that you are interested in a career in Naturopathic Medicine, you’ll be faced with the task of choosing a program that will best prepare you to become a successful naturopathic physician. Not all naturopathic medicine programs are created equally.
The Future of Integrative Health
A guide for aspiring health professionals
7 Careeer Paths in Chiropractic Medicine You Should Consider
A common misconception about chiropractic physicians is that they only treat the back and musculoskeletal issues. At National University of Health Sciences, students in the chiropractic medicine program are not only trained to treat the whole body, they also have the chance to explore many unique patient populations and health care specialties.
Three Alternative Medical Careers That Help Change Lives
Most people who enter the medical field do so, at least in part, because they hope to have a positive impact on the lives of their patients. As demand increases for alternative medicine in its various forms, National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) is proud to offer the opportunity to pursue an education in holistic, evidence based, patient centered health care that goes beyond the limits of traditional Western medicine.
Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Tips That Will Help You Survive Allergy Season
Seasonal allergies affect millions of Americans. While the exact causes of allergy symptoms remain uncertain, most agree that allergy symptoms are due to inflammation after the immune system pathways encounter allergenic materials in the environment. These allergenic materials are often from plant pollens, animal dander, insect venom or certain foods.
5 Myths About Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine has its roots in many traditional healing systems, including the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates who expressed the concept of “the healing power of nature” as essential to medicine over 2,400 years ago. Naturopathic medicine has grown substantially in the past three decades as a safe and effective alternative or complement to pharmaceuticals, and yet the field is not as well-known as other forms of health care.
4 Ways Chiropractic Medicine Can Benefit Your Child’s Health and Wellness
In practice, the concept of chiropractic care for children is not new; however, it may be a new concept for many adults. Why would children need chiropractic care, you may ask?
The Health & Wellbeing Benefits of Acupuncture
From pain management to stress reduction, the positive health benefits of acupuncture are rapidly being recognized by the medical community and the public. Extensive research has shown that patients can experience not only physical relief, but also an improved state of mind and a more balanced emotional state after acupuncture sessions.
3 ways National University continues to support veteran students and patients
NUHS has a proud history of supporting veterans as well as active-duty personnel in the United States Armed Services. For example, after World War II, two hundred and thirty-one WWII veterans established what may have been the first American Legion post on a campus of a professional college at National.
5 Myths About Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine has its roots in many traditional healing systems, including the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates who expressed the concept of “the healing power of nature” as essential to medicine over 2,400 years ago. For decades, naturopathic medicine has grown substantially as a safe and effective alternative or complement to pharmaceuticals, and yet the field is not as well known as other forms of health care.
NUHS Student Blogs
Discover the latest insights from the field of integrative health, tips on pursuing a career in complementary and alternative medicine, and real stories from students who know what it takes to be successful.