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Institutional Review Board

Deana at the se3rvice window helping a student

Institutional Review Board

At National University, our Research Committee reviews all institutional research proposals for their scientific merit and methodology. Our Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews research proposals to assure the protection of the research participants.

IRB Forms

Application to the IRB for Approval of a Research Project
This form is for expedited or full review of a new proposal involving human subjects.

Annual Approval of an Approved Research Project
This form is for expedited or full annual review of a research project involving human subjects.

Request for Amendment or Modification
This form is for minor changes to a previously approved research during the period for which approval is authorized.

Claim of Exemption
This form is for new proposals involving minimal risk research activities in which the only human involvement is in one or more categories exempt from review by the IRB.

Case Reports/Case Series Case reports generally involve the collection and presentation of detailed information about a particular patient (or a small group of patients with similar characteristics for a case series) to highlight an interesting condition, treatment, or outcome. This guidance is intended to assist an investigator preparing a case report or case series to determine if a study is research that requires IRB review.

Annual Approval of an Exempt Project
This form is for annual review of a project that had been approved as exempt from IRB review.

IRB Online Training

For IRB Members

Protecting Human Research Participants
This web-based course teaches IRB members about the ethical and legal issues involved in using humans as research subjects.
Requirement: Annually (by September 30)

For Research Investigators and Study Personnel

Protecting Human Research Participants
This free, web-based course presents information about the rights and welfare of human participants in research. The two-hour tutorial is designed for those involved in conducting research involving human participants. It satisfies the NIH human subjects training requirement for obtaining Federal Funds. You will have the option of printing a certificate of completion from your computer upon completing the course.
Requirement: Prior to recruiting human participants and thereafter annually (by September 30)