Frequently Asked Questions
What does a chiropractic physician do?
A chiropractic physician evaluates and diagnoses a patient’s ailments and conditions and renders treatments from an array of natural remedies including manipulation, nutrition, and rehabilitation.
What does a naturopathic physician do?
A naturopathic physician identifies the underlying cause of acute and chronic diseases and re-establishes the basis of health using preventive and natural therapies such as lifestyle and nutritional modification, hydrotherapy, herbs, homeopathy, and physical medicine.
What does an acupuncturist do?
Acupuncture therapy guides the body, mind, and spirit back to balance (homeostasis) using acupuncture, acupressure, herbs, and exercise.
What does a massage therapist do?
A massage therapist provides stress relief, maintains wellness, and assists with recovery from pain and injury, and may be a good choice for clients with chronic muscular problems.
If you have other questions or would like more information, please contact us at 630-629-9664.