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Help and FAQs

Deana at the se3rvice window helping a student

Help and FAQs

If you are having trouble finding something or need assistance using our services, ask a librarian. We’re here to help! The James F. Winterstein Library also provides in-depth instruction for individuals or groups (e.g., how to search the catalog, how to search a database). If you would like to schedule training, contact us today.

Winterstein Library Orientation Handbook
Download the student orientation handbook to learn about James F. Winterstein Library rules and resources.

Not sure where to start? Download a list of possible sources of information for your research topic. 

Citing References
Learn about bibliographic citations.

Copyright and Fair Use
Basics, educational aspects, and links regarding copyright and fair use.

Guide to Internet Research
Find out where to search and how to evaluate sources.

Overview of Using Media
Make your search more efficient by learning which type of resource is best to use for a particular query.