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Medical Qi Gong

Friday, September 23, 2022

The Fall trimester is well underway. I am currently in my fourth trimester and have the honor of seeing patients. At this point I am in a rhythm or so I thought…I am taking a Medical Qi Gong class and I have found a new passion. To be completely honest, I was not looking forward to this class AT ALL!! The class begins at 8:00 p.m. and ends at 9:50 p.m. I live approximately an hour and 30 minutes away from NUHS. When class started, I was distracted. My mind was bombarded with thoughts of construction, lane closures, food and sleep.

Qi Gong Photo

When the instructor began explaining the tenets of Qi Gong, I forced myself to focus. Next, she told us to stand and begin…when I started doing the movements my mind settled and I felt a sense of calmness overtake me. Qi Gong helps to cultivate energy and prevents stagnated Qi. This is an oversimplified definition, but I am new to this form of energy work. We ended the class seated in lotus or whatever position that was comfortable and meditated. We were told to repeat a mantra silently. When we were done, I felt invigorated and almost giddy after a long day.

Now I am looking forward to next Thursday! I have been researching Medical Qi Gong and watching videos. I am glad to have an instructor who is amazing, because I need to learn in person. Watching a video and learning does not come naturally to me. I have included a website below that helped me understand the benefits and purpose of Medical Qi Gong.

Check out this additional source: