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ChiroGames 2019

by Nov 22, 2019

Every year, most of the chiropractic schools across the nation send students to Cocoa Beach, Fla. to compete in a wide range of sports against each other. This time around, NUHS – Fla. sent a Flag Football team and a Swimmer (me). Outside of the games, RockTape sponsors’ dinners and socials both nights of the evening in order to give students from every school an opportunity to meet one another and network. I was really excited to have friends I made last year from several schools that were able to come again this year and it was great to see them again!

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Overall, our flag football team struggled a little bit. They lost each game, but were able to score a couple points each game so it wasn’t a complete shutout! I did not play but was able to watch, cheer on our team, and wave around our banner that was donated by our sponsor. I was glad to be able to watch the games because I also had to help out using my Athletic Training background. I ended up taping up a sprained ankle, pulling a teammate with a broken finger, and helping two classmates with sprained hamstrings. It felt good helping out with my Athletic Training experience and I was glad I was able to be of assistance.

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As for my swimming, I did fairly well at this year’s meet. I placed second in the 100 and 50 breaststroke and placed third in the 100 IM and 50 backstroke. It was fun to swim in a meet again, even through I had not trained as much as I should’ve. It is definitely harder competing in swimming than it used to be when I was younger! ChiroGames was a ton of fun this year and I cannot wait until next year for my last chance to compete!

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]

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Addison Ozakyol

Addison Ozakyol

My name is Addison Ozakyol and I am currently in my tenth and final trimester of the Doctor of Chiropractic Program here at NUHS - Florida. I am eagerly approaching graduation and look forward to practicing with an emphasis in sports medicine and acupuncture. I hope to bring useful content to this blog and showcase what life is like here at NUHS - Florida.


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