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Master Tung’s Acupuncture Points

by Jan 27, 2023

Home » Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Student Blog » Master Tung’s Acupuncture Points

Now that we are back from winter break, it is definitely harder for me to get back to study mode. I am now in Tri 5 of the AOM program. This is my second Tri in the Clinic. I am in Microsystems, and we are learning about Tung’s Acupuncture Points. I would really like to try out some of the points in Clinic. At times it seems overwhelming I am still trying to master the meridians and remember treatment protocols.

Tungs AC Art

Tung’s Acupuncture Points are heralded to be simple yet highly effective. Basically, most of the points are located along the extremities, but there are some face, ear and back points as well. I have also found many clinical trials that studied the efficacy and safety of Tung’s Acupuncture Points. The points don’t focus on the 14 meridians, instead they use the five elements and the five Zang channel system. Also, the needles are never inserted near the site of pain or disease. I am trying to determine my personal treatment philosophy — one that will drive my practice and one I can learn to master. Right now, I am all over the place trying Applied Channel Theory, Li Dong Yuan, and all the other treatment strategies we are learning. I am grateful that we have Clinicians to walk us through what would be the most effective treatment for the patient. I am taking full advantage, because once I graduate I won’t have this luxury!!

I have included two links for more information about Tung’s Acupuncture. I wonder if you all have found a treatment strategy that you will build on throughout your career? If so, please share!

 Helpful Links:

Acupuncture Today

Master Tung Acupuncture


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About the Author

Monique Carter

Monique Carter

My name is Monique Carter and I am a student in National University's AOM program. I chose this program because the basic tenets of Chinese Acupuncture and Herbs align with a holistic healing process that is steeped in years of tradition and research. I anticipate that learning these skills and applying this knowledge will allow me to help many in need. Starting this journey at the age of 49 has been humbling as well as life-changing, I am excited and grateful!


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