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Expert Insights: How Guest Speakers Enhance Our Sports Medicine Course

by Mar 17, 2023

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » Expert Insights: How Guest Speakers Enhance Our Sports Medicine Course

This trimester, Dr. Guadagno has invited guest speakers to discuss their professions and other important topics with us in our Sports Medicine course. This provides invaluable advantages to students. Through the expertise and knowledge of these professionals, we are provided with an immersive and dynamic learning experience that enriches our understanding of the subject matter.

Alexes Collage

Left: Tri- 8 students in Dr. Guadagno’s Sports Medicine course after a discussion led by Dr. Lane (front & center) on health considerations when working with female athletes. Right: Assessment of PC-BPPV on Chiropractic Table.

Specialized professionals bring real-world experience to the classroom by sharing their personal experiences with patients and specific conditions. For instance, we had Dr. Steinweiss who spoke about the trajectory of concussions and symptoms, such as dizziness, photophobia, migraines, fatigue, pain and difficulty concentrating. A vestibular ocular-motor screening (VOMS) is used in assessing concussions, and those with vestibular oculomotor dysfunction in an acute concussion have a 4x increased risk of developing post-concussive syndrome. Dr Steinweiss demonstrated different VOMS tests to perform on a patient. We also reviewed Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and practiced different assessments to apply, such as the Fully Supported Hallpike and treatments like Modified Epley. The speaker shared real-life cases and illustrated the consequences of poor management of such conditions, which helped us develop a more practical understanding of BPPV.

Specialized professionals provide a fresh perspective on varied subject matter. For example, we had a Ph.D. and IFBB Pro guest speaker, Dr. Lane, who discussed health considerations for female athletes in terms of physical, mental, hormonal and nutritional aspects. Dr. Lane provided unique insights and perspectives on the topic, which enabled us to gain more knowledge, challenge our pre-existing beliefs, and better understand how to support female athletes. Dr. Lane discussed the components of the female athlete triad: disordered eating, amenorrhea and osteoporosis. She explained that its symptoms often go unrecognized, such as painful joints, low libido, degraded sleep, perpetual soreness, food sensitivities and degraded bone mineral density. She dove into the panels that can be ordered and ways to manage the potential issues, including supportive supplements to recommend (ie: adrenal support, digestive enzymes, vitamin D, glutamine, Omega-3).

Both presenters’ topics were very interesting and applicable to our field! Having the chance to interact with professionals in our Sports Medicine class also enables us to build relationships that can be beneficial to our careers. They bring real-world experience, offer a new perspective on the conditions, and enhance our networking opportunities. Through their contributions, we are better prepared to enter the field of chiropractic, and also make meaningful contributions!

Also read, “New preceptorship opportunity for DCs interested in sports medicine or fitness,” and “Sports Medicine Excellence.”


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About the Author

Alexandra Simic Hachmann

Alexandra Simic Hachmann

My name is Alexandra Simic Hachmann and I am currently in my 10th trimester of the Doctor of Chiropractic program here at NUHS - Florida. I am officially an intern at the HEC clinic! I have obtained a B.A. in Biology and Biomedical Sciences, as well as a Master of Medical Science degree. While I believe my educational background has helped me succeed in this challenging program, I appreciate all the professors’ efforts in helping us excel and prepare for our careers. As a hands-on visual learner, I am embracing the palpation courses and anatomy labs offered! I am still determining which field in chiropractic I would like to pursue; thus, readers should stick around to discover this with me! I hope to bring insightful content to this blog and demonstrate what student life is like at NUHS in sunny Florida.


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