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A Super Fun Weekend!

by Sep 27, 2019

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » A Super Fun Weekend!

This weekend has been a very fun one! It all started with our Tri-Mixer on Friday night. At the start of every trimester we have a mixer in which all the students from the school meet up at a local venue and get to enjoy food, drinks, and camaraderie away from campus and our studies. This is always a fun event; it gives us upper tri students a chance to get to know the new Tri-1s, but is also a chance for everyone to go out together–something that doesn’t happen very often during all of our studies.

Tree House

This time, we had the mixer at The Canopy, a 5th floor balcony-bar overlooking the water in Downtown St. Pete. Best part of the whole night? Learning that several of the tri ones had read my blog when considering NUHS as their school of choice!! It meant a lot to me to hear that I had helped my peers decide on their path for chiropractic school and even more so hearing that they are very happy with their decision to come here! It made writing this blog even more rewarding than before!!

Saturday was Free Museum Day in Downtown St. Pete, so my girlfriend and I met up with her family and checked out the Florida Holocaust Museum. While it was a somber experience, the exhibits were very moving, tasteful, and educational. I feel that the museum had a lot to offer, and I really learned a lot. After the museum we walked around for a little while, had lunch, and stumbled upon a wonderful local market. While we didn’t plan on getting anything, all of us ended up finding several things that caught our eye and we all went home with some great local goods!

Final Collage

Finally, on Sunday I went with my triathlon club out to Rainbow River (two hours away) to do a nice, easy river swim. Well, that’s what I thought we were doing. It turned out that this was the last Rainbow River swim of the season and there was timing and awards for this session! I ended up having to push it a little faster than I had planned, but I had a blast. The course was 3.6 miles of beautiful crystal clear water with tons of fish and turtles swimming around in the river grass underneath me. I ended up finishing the swim in 1 hour, 10 minutes, and 28 seconds and placed 6th overall and second in the non-wetsuit division! I had a blast doing this swim and cannot wait to partake in the series again next year. Finished off the day with a delicious “Swampy’s Burger” topped with corned beef and who even knows what else, but it was desperately needed after such a long swim! It was a perfect end to a very fun weekend.

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]

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About the Author

Addison Ozakyol

Addison Ozakyol

My name is Addison Ozakyol and I am currently in my tenth and final trimester of the Doctor of Chiropractic Program here at NUHS - Florida. I am eagerly approaching graduation and look forward to practicing with an emphasis in sports medicine and acupuncture. I hope to bring useful content to this blog and showcase what life is like here at NUHS - Florida.


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