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Tri-4 Group Makes It to the FCA
Our short two-week break is definitely over as we now stride through the second week of the trimester, but the exhilarating community feeling we felt attending the Florida Chiropractic Association (FCA) Convention over the break still resonates. It was a weekend filled with networking and getting free swag!
I am currently rocking a pair of NUHS socks as I type this blog. All-in-all, the FCA ended up being a wonderful weekend that brought our classmates closer, and we had the chance to catch up with professors (including our Dean, Dr. Strauss) outside a classroom setting. It was very interesting to meet other chiropractors and discuss beneficial products with different vendors.
Walking through the convention gave me a feeling of encouragement that I am truly in the field and my path toward earning the DC degree will come soon! It was nice to step out of the academics and let my mind wander on what type of chiropractic tables I would like, what marketing tools I’d like to use, and what supplements I could offer future patients. This event was refreshing and gave me that motivation to start my fourth trimester, which has been going through smoothly so far. Now that we are on our last first-phase trimester, I truly feel comfortable with where I stand, my progress throughout the program, and how to manage academics and life.
For those joining the NUHS community, welcome! Reach out upper tri students for tips, join as many clubs as you can…and as always, come to Open Lab!