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Studying for Boards

by Oct 6, 2017

The time has come to start thinking about boards. I am not really feeling anxious or stressed. In fact, the closer I get to graduation, the less the stress. I know for some of us it can be the opposite and boards and graduation can bring on so much anxiety, but I’m happy to say that it’s not my case, at least not right now. I might get a bit anxious right before I take boards, but right now I feel I can only study and everything will be OK.

My plan is to take one exam this tri, a second one next tri, and a third exam my last tri. The herbs exam I plan on taking after graduation and I think I might wait 2-3 months so I can allow my brain a well-deserved break.


Haven’t decided exactly on a month for each exam, but I will just start studying and see when I feel ready to schedule the date. From what I heard, it can take up to 6-8 weeks to get approved to take boards meaning I can probably think about a date after week 12 or 13 of this trimester.

Since I’m also taking senior exam in week 11, I’m not in a rush to do anything earlier. If it’s going to be week 13 that’s fine, if it’s going to be first week of winter break that’s fine too. I’ll just follow my intuition and allow enough time to study and not stress about a date. Goal is to take the exams and pass them before graduation so I can start working whenever I feel I’m ready.

First on my list will be Biomedicine exam. It seems the easiest; I’m already doing pretty decent on the tests from and I also bought the book. I’ll try and study whenever I have some time and one week before exam I will focus only on it and that should be enough to pass.

Points will follow somewhere probably in January and for Foundations, I’m thinking May. I planned my last tri with only 3 clinic shifts and 3 or 4 classes so I can have plenty of time to finish boards, take other trainings, business plan, job search, and anything else that needs to be done.

But, until boards, I just took 2 tests tonight, and have another 2 tomorrow. I’m looking forward to rest and relax during the weekend and maybe still enjoy some good weather before the cold will be upon us.


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About the Author

Iuliana Lixandru

Iuliana Lixandru

Hello! I'm Iuliana and I'm a student at National University of Health Sciences in the Master of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) program.


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