This is my announcement: If you haven’t joined clubs on campus yet, DO IT! Sports Council meets on Fridays at 1 p.m. It is a fantastic way to learn sports medicine treatments, interact with students in different Tris, as well as promote yourself in the community by attending sports events and aiding athletes (under the supervision of the Sports Council Advisor Dr. Guadagno).
Left: Kendall taping Jared’s ankle. Right: Jared taping my ankle.
Members practice diverse techniques to enhance our abilities in treating athletes and preventing injuries. This past Friday, we learned how to use KT tape on feet and ankles, specifically for Achilles tendonitis and ankle stabilization (to prevent inversion ankle sprains). Sports Council keeps members up-to-date with sports events coming up and helps students hone down skills needed to prepare for that event (such as soft tissue techniques and taping). Members are currently preparing to attend and serve athletes at the upcoming Disney Marathon. There is also an ACA conference approaching (the next one is in October in Denver) where students can present sports-related conditions and topics, meet other researchers, professors, and doctors in the field.(L
Left Ankle: Taping for Achilles tendonitis. Right Ankle: Taping for ankle stability.
It’s a fantastic way to network, present your research, and represent NUHS! Another benefit of joining clubs on campus is that each event you attend can be used toward completing CCLs needed for graduation! If you haven’t attended a meeting yet, don’t be shy…come on by to the next meeting Fridays! Clubs are always accepting new members and the skills learned can truly enhance your techniques and prepare you for the chiropractic field.