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Sports Council Holds First Meeting

by Oct 9, 2015

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » Sports Council Holds First Meeting

This week had an all too familiar feeling. My first exam of the trimester came on Wednesday. Studying for exams has become such a mundane task that I don’t really worry about them as much. The exam was in Nutritional Biochemistry and the topic was “Water Soluble Vitamins.” Nutritional Biochemistry isn’t a typical nutrition class; it is more a biochemistry class with a splash of nutrition! We were tested on where vitamins fit into the pathways of human metabolism which sounds like a simple task but it was pretty difficult. However, after studying the material a few times I think I did pretty well.

Here is one of my favorite slides because it summarized most of what I needed to know. There is even a key to explain show what the vitamins become to help better understand. The main takeaway in my opinion is how vital a healthy and well balanced diet is because as anyone can see from the chart, vitamins and amino acids are required for many steps in energy metabolism.  


Later that day, I attended the second Motion Palpation Club meeting of the trimester. We reviewed thoracic assessment and went over rib motion assessment. I spent a lot of time helping out the first trimester students but also had a chance to practice as well. It was another great meeting with a good turnout.


Thursday we had our first Sports Council meeting of the trimester. Kaitlyn, the president of Sports Council, brought students and faculty from St. Petersburg College’s EMT program to show us spine boarding for patients in a supine or prone position, as well as in sports equipment like a football helmet and shoulder pads. 


I learned a lot from the presentation, a lot more than when I took a First Aid and CPR class in undergraduate. Spine stabilization was the key to the entire thing and coordination and communication was a necessity among the emergency responders. The upper trimester students told us we would take an entire class on emergency medicine in which we will cover spine boarding and other similar topics. It’s great to be exposed to it early, just in case we are ever in a similar situation.


I have two exams next week and three the week after so I am going to go study for those. Hope you enjoyed this week’s blog!

If you have any questions feel free to email me at [email protected]

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About the Author

Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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