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Snow Day!

by Feb 16, 2018

Last Friday we were gifted with a big snowfall and snow day! All of campus was closed, including the clinic, and I think most if not all students were thrilled to have a break, especially with it being mid-terms. 


Ang showing off her snowshoes 🙂

On Friday, I was inside of our apartment most of the day with my baby, Jade, but we did get outside for a few minutes and while I took a quick walk with her in the baby carrier, and we stopped by my friend’s apartment to say ‘hello’. Then on Saturday, even more snow fell and the roads were pretty bad. Luis, Jade, and I ate brunch with friends who live downstairs, and in the evening, another friend who lives on campus had a gathering that I attended. 


Me, Ang, and Zippie 

On Sunday, I went snowshoeing around campus with my friend Ang. We were considering going to Madison Meadows Park in Lombard, but we ended up staying on campus, and I’m very glad we did, because it took me a while to adjust my snowshoes. The last time I used them was the last time there was a snowstorm, 2 or 3 years ago! The fresh air and being outside felt great, and it was a good workout.

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About the Author

Mary Simon

Mary Simon

I'm a naturopathic medical student at NUHS. I started the Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Program in January 2014. I was born and raised in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, a beautiful town on Lake Michigan. My experiences interpreting (Spanish to English) in nearly all medical specialties solidified my decision to study naturopathic medicine, as I saw a deep need for treating the body as a whole, getting to the root causes of symptoms, and using minimally invasive low-cost therapies to restore health.


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