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Polling and Proselytizing by Uber

by Jun 17, 2016

Home » Chiropractic Medicine Student Blog - Illinois » Polling and Proselytizing by Uber

Driving for Uber is like having my own little window into the prevailing beliefs, perspectives, and ideals of the general population. I get paid to conduct my own polling and develop my own method of explaining what I do in regard to healthcare as a whole. My striving has proved fruitful so far. For example: I have learned that most of the population is hopelessly ignorant of what exactly it is those “back-crackers” do. This may seem like a rather melancholy finding, but there’s a bright flip side to this particular result. I found that people are very receptive to what chiropractic has to offer when I break it down for them and explain it in everyday language.

Another beautiful week on campus!

I found that one explanation isn’t going to resonate with everyone. Some people need more of the science behind it; others require a guide that will nudge them through the logic of it all. Ignorance of what we do isn’t a bad thing; it gives us the ability to write our own future — to determine how we want to be perceived. Patient education will always be an integral part of any successful practice. Our patients are our greatest advocates. This is another (big) reason I made finding a university that prioritizes a well-rounded medical education. Every interesting tidbit we learn in each class is an educational tool.

All people are rather inherently fascinated by the inner workings of the human body. Many people recognize that the amount of pharmaceuticals and surgery doled out in this country has run amok. Everyone I’ve talked to has at least one friend or family member that has gone through some surgery or another that has resulted in worse pain and function. Most have that aunt or sibling that has been left feebly functioning throughout the days on a schedule built around their pill intake. People recognize that what we bring to the table is not only cost effective, but also powerful stuff. Most people I’ve talked to really want to achieve their health goals through lifestyle and prevention, but sadly don’t even know where to begin. As a result, demand for this particular form of healthcare has never been higher. I’m just glad that I have been given the necessary tools to understand and explain how and where to start.

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Gregory Swets

Gregory Swets


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