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Chiropractic Medicine Student Blog – Illinois

My FINAL Finals

My FINAL Finals

With finals approaching as I write this, I am officially finishing up my last classes at National. This is a surreal feeling…

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Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Building off my last blog post’s topic of stress, I would like to discuss a way in which we can measure stress. Heart rate variability (HRV)…

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Chiropractic Graduation!

Chiropractic Graduation!

This is my final blog post before graduating from chiropractic school this week! I have loved chiropractic school…

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NUCCA Chiropractic

NUCCA Chiropractic

At National, we learn many different chiropractic techniques that can benefit a variety of patient presentations. Recently…

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NUHS Resources

Discover informative resources made by NUHS’ staff, faculty, and students to learn more about complementary and alternative medicine, NUHS programs, and more!