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Plans for 2018

by Dec 8, 2017

Finals started and that means this trimester is almost done. Before diving into studying, last weekend I flew for another training in Seattle. 

Not sure how it happens, but most of the times whenever you decide to attend a training, you always find that there’s a another training at the same time and there’s a bit of a struggle which one to choose.

I wanted to attend the Detox seminar from Apex but the other training in Seattle was supposed to be the last live one offered by Matrix Energetics so I chose Seattle. Seattle was foggy and rainy and even colder than Chicago this time of the year, but the training was very helpful and I even got to see some old friends from when I used to live there.

Now I’m back in town, took my first final, and I must confess I have no plans at all for the holidays. Since I’ll be in clinic so many days making up for the time I missed, I didn’t bother to make any plans for Christmas or New Year’s Eve. All I can say is that I will take advantage of every free moment and rest, eat healthy, go to the gym, and maybe see some friends.


I’ll be in clinic until December 29th, and then on January 2nd I’m flying back to Romania to see my mom again and help her some more.

I started to dread flying and I’m not really looking forward to another long flight but I bought the ticket a long time ago so I’ll go and try to make the best of it. Forecast says Romania will be freezing in January and I don’t think I’ll be able to walk around too much with such low temperatures, but I guess I can take advantage of some down time and study for Biomed board exam.

As I said before, I won’t be in clinic at all next trimester and even if this doesn’t make me happy I’ll have more time for work, boards, and some other trainings. I am trying to finish all the Apex seminars before graduation and I’m considering a master’s in Functional Medicine so I can combine it with Oriental Medicine in my practice.

I know some students are thinking about the Doctorate in Oriental Medicine but for me it seems more important to have an integrative practice and be able to use more modalities on my future patients.

Spring Trimester will offer a bit more time and long weekends because for the first time in more than 2 years, I won’t have any classes on Friday evenings. Summer Trimester will be packed with eight clinic shifts plus 2 board exams. There won’t be any trainings, but whatever I feel is important to know I’ll then plan to take it soon after graduation so I can have my continuing education credits done for the next two years.

If everything goes well by the end of September 2018 I’ll be licensed and ready to practice. 🙂

I wish you all Happy Holidays and I’ll see you next year! Until then you can email me at: [email protected] 

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About the Author

Iuliana Lixandru

Iuliana Lixandru

Hello! I'm Iuliana and I'm a student at National University of Health Sciences in the Master of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) program.


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