Well, it’s all over for now.
It will be weeks before the results come in and I can see if I reviewed well enough. The day of the test was long and exhausting, but there was nothing quite like filling in that last bubble and handing over the exam!
The first set of the four board exams that we take on our path to becoming chiropractors includes six subjects: general anatomy, spinal anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, and microbiology with 90 questions for each of them, with rest periods in between. While the breaks are short, they are still long enough to give you a chance to look back at questions already answered, or become worked up over the ones to come. It is so easy to worry about what you have done right or wrong, but to get caught up in the moment will only act as a distraction from the tasks that you have ahead of you.
As I have progressed in this program, I’ve learned that anytime you have a large number of exams looming before you, it is important not to look back until it is all over. Once everything is done, then you can go and see the places where you could have done things differently and learn from the mistakes. No matter how you feel after taking a test like this, it is important to remember to celebrate your achievement. For me, it was with good food, good company, and a new haircut. Now I am all set to get on with the rest of the trimester. I wish all of my fellow classmates wonderful results from all of their hard work this past weekend!