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NUHS Life Hacks

Friday, June 18, 2021

As I finish my final few weeks in this program, I thought it would be useful to provide some new and incoming students with some NUHS Life Hacks. Here are a few:

  1. Save an old pair of shoes that are still comfortable, but need to be thrown out. You can wear them in anatomy lab and throw them out after you are done with those courses!
  2. Get a 4-month dry erase calendar. It is perfect for tracking your entire trimesters worth of important dates, exams, assignments, etc.
  3. Take full advantage of the services offered at the clinic! It is a great way to see what your program/specialty offer, but also what the other programs offer. There are lots of things the interns in the clinic can help with as they relate to your journey through the program such as sleep, stress management, focus, anxiety, etc.
  4. The best place to study when the weather is nice is definitely at one of the tables near Lake Janse! If you sit at one near the library or the student center, you can access the campus wifi! During the winter, I enjoy sitting in the quiet section of the library which overlooks Lake Janse. It is beautiful when everything is covered in snow!
  5. Always be prepared to dress in layers. The classrooms can be hot in the winter, but cold in the summer. While that always feels nice when you first enter them from outside, you quickly need to change the number of layers you are wearing to sit comfortably in a classroom all day during lecture.
  6. Be sure to carry a refillable water bottle with you. Campus has a lot of water bottle filling stations. It is very important to stay hydrated.

Lake Janse

One last thing I will add really is not a life hack, but just a friendly reminder: Take advantage of every learning opportunity you are presented with! Some of them will seem awkward, such as your first few weeks in the anatomy cadaver lab, or when you are doing the male and female sensitive exams. Take it all in, know that those are the experiences you will remember, and they are also the experiences that will make you a better physician come graduation day.
