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Learning & Remaining Curious With On-campus Conversations

by Mar 18, 2022

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I have been really enjoying my classes this trimester, particularly the gastrointestinal, botanical medicine, cardiovascular, and imaging diagnosis courses. I am so grateful for the opportunity to dive deeply into such intriguing content. 

However, I want to take some time to recognize something else that keeps me in an inspired state of learning and curiosity. Some of my favorite experiences here at NUHS are the interesting and inspiring conversations that I engage in with others on campus. On a weekly basis, I make sure to engage in conversations with other students and professors. 

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For the past two weeks, two of my classmates and I stayed after our GI class to discuss the material further. We share a passion for gut physiology and autoimmunity. Since we are particularly inspired by the course content, we shared our personal journeys with each other and discussed how we have been implementing gut health strategies into our own lives. These conversations are important. It helps us connect the dots clinically, and we will definitely come across similar stories once we get to the student clinic.

I also take the time to connect with professors. It is absolutely interesting to pick their brains, ask questions, and get a better understanding of the topics that interest me the most. For example, I like to ask my professors questions about immunology, autoimmune mechanisms, and gut-related questions. Beyond just asking professors questions, it is enjoyable to have an open conversation with them in general. I learn a lot from their perspectives. Naturally, I start to ask even more questions!

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About the Author

Katie Kavicky-Mels

Katie Kavicky-Mels

My name is Katie Kavicky-Mels, and I am in my last year of the Naturopathic Medicine program at NUHS. I am a naturopathic intern at the student clinic in Lombard. I live in beautiful Door County, Wisconsin, but I currently live on campus. My roots are deep in nature, and I enjoy camping, hiking, foraging and campfires. I am passionate about addressing the root causes of health issues using nature as the foundation. I look forward to sharing my naturopathic journey with you. I like meeting new folks, so please reach out if you have any questions!


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