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Happy Holidays!!!

by Dec 15, 2023

We did it! We are at the culmination of another year in the books. I can’t believe I am graduating in August 2024. If you are reading this blog and considering starting at NUHS just dive in headfirst. There was no perfect moment for me. It has been an arduous yet fulfilling journey. My personal life endured the loss of loved ones, children leaving for college and financial hardships. Yet here I am still moving forward, fulfilling my dream to become an Acupuncturist and a Chinese Herbalist!

There are times when I wanted to go back to the safety of education or focus on my massage business. Often, I am paying rent on my office space, and I am rarely there. Some people question why I decided to go back to school and quite honestly it is none of their business. I am not meaning to be rude but often people may not vibe with your dreams and your decision to follow your heart. There is something to be said for financial security and stability, which affords one the luxury of a safe nest egg for retirement.

I am supportive of anyone’s decision to stay in their prospective career path for years or switch gears and fulfill a risky venture. One thing that never changes is the adage, “time waits for no person!” Whatever it is that is on your heart to do…do it! My stepdad passed a few months before I started the program, my biological father passed when I was a year into the program. My grandmother passed a few months before my dad. My cousin passed in October. I am sharing this to hopefully help someone who feels like they just can’t start something new. I am a witness that you can and in spite of hardships you can make it.

Find your tribe or be a tribe of one! Follow your unique destiny. My stepdad’s favorite poet is Robert Frost his favorite poem is entitled, The Road Not Taken. I have the last part of the poem etched upon my heart:

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

I am looking forward to 2024! I love a fresh start a new beginning. Until 2024…

Learn more about the acupuncture programs at National University of Health Sciences here

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About the Author

Monique Carter

Monique Carter

My name is Monique Carter and I am a student in National University's AOM program. I chose this program because the basic tenets of Chinese Acupuncture and Herbs align with a holistic healing process that is steeped in years of tradition and research. I anticipate that learning these skills and applying this knowledge will allow me to help many in need. Starting this journey at the age of 49 has been humbling as well as life-changing, I am excited and grateful!


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