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Functional Rehab, Tri Mixer, and the Museum of Fine Arts

by Sep 29, 2016

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » Functional Rehab, Tri Mixer, and the Museum of Fine Arts

This past week was very eventful. Week three had our first Chirogames and Student American Chiropractic Association meetings of the trimester. I am the president of the Chirogames club and Legislative Representative for SACA so I had a lot to present this week for club meetings. I also had my first tutoring session with the first trimester students. National University offers peer tutoring for each class. As a lower trimester student, I took advantage of peer tutoring so I am happy I can help the incoming students the same way the former peer tutors helped me.

Classes have really picked up as they always do around this time of the trimester. In phlebotomy we did our first blood draws. We have learned two new protocols for named techniques in Advanced Technique I, including drop table and pelvic blocking.

Of all the classes we have taken thus far, my favorite is functional rehabilitation. We have been doing hands-on assessments of posture, gait, functional movement, and balance. Balance is a very important part of rehab because if a therapist or physician only focuses on strength, he or she is only strengthening uncoordinated muscles. Balance and coordination may even be more important than strength because we need balance just to stand upright and walk.

I tested out the stability pads for myself while Dr. Wieland challenged my nervous system
by dual tasking me to demonstrate how we can help our patients with balance.

We assessed balance standing on one leg on solid ground eyes open then with the eyes closed. We then assessed balance on an unstable surface. We can use the assessment as a treatment as well by adding the element of tossing a ball back and forth or gently pushing the patient in different directions.

Stability pads

Friday was the Tri Mixer, a social event for all of the students to get to know one another. There was a huge turnout by the first trimester students which was fantastic because we were all able to get to know them better and hopefully we made them feel welcome at NUHS. I also got to spend time with my close friends from school whom I’ve known for over a year now. It was a great night as the tri mixer always is.

2016-09-29_trixmixer1   2016-09-29_trixmixer2

The next morning, my girlfriend and I went downtown for St. Pete’s free museum day. We visited the famous Museum of Fine Arts without paying for admission. St. Petersburg is a major hub for art because the museums have famous pieces of art from all over the world. One of the benefits of going to school at NUHS Florida is the amazing location. There is no place I’d rather at this point in my life there is always something fun, new, and exciting to do.


I took pictures of a few of the pieces that caught my eye. There was a sculpture of Augustus Caesar from the Roman Empire, an Indian statue of Shiva the destroyer of worlds, and paintings from Italy during the renaissance. Though I am not an art coinsure, I have learned about different styles of art such as realism, still life, impressionism, and surrealism. The Museum of Fine Arts has every style of art and every type of style from oil on canvas to sketches and sculptures. It was a great day and look forward to visiting the other museums in the area.

That’s all for this week. If you have any questions about NUHS or what life is like in St. Petersburg, Florida, please email me at [email protected].

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Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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