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From Intern to PRACTITIONER!!!

by Mar 10, 2023

Home » Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Student Blog » From Intern to PRACTITIONER!!!

As we are halfway through the trimester some of us are graduating in April. In the Intern room in the clinic there is a buzz in the air of relief, nervousness and excitement. Although I have a little over a year left, I am emotional for them. Once we are done with the program, we still need to prepare for board exams. The talk of where, how, when, and why of actually practicing resonates with me. The jump from Intern to Practitioner is daunting. I do appreciate the safety net and guidance of the clinicians. If I am unsure of a tongue or pulse diagnosis, they are more than happy to come in and help.

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I currently have a massage studio where I work alone, and wear all the hats. I have had an esthetician in the space, but she wanted to be in her own office. I am not sure if want to work alone as an acupuncturist and herbal medicine practitioner. It would be nice to work with someone who is experienced. There are not many acupuncturists in the area and even fewer herbal medicine practitioners. I would have to consider driving to Chicago or one of the surrounding suburbs.

This is only my second trimester as an intern, and I have grown in my confidence and abilities but there is a safety net! The leap without the safety net is scary. The senior interns say it will all come together, my fingers are crossed on that sentiment. When I consult with the clinicians, I usually share my thoughts and diagnosis and wait for their insight. My hope is for all those who are graduating to find their stride and grow a practice as unique and brilliant as they are!

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About the Author

Monique Carter

Monique Carter

My name is Monique Carter and I am a student in National University's AOM program. I chose this program because the basic tenets of Chinese Acupuncture and Herbs align with a holistic healing process that is steeped in years of tradition and research. I anticipate that learning these skills and applying this knowledge will allow me to help many in need. Starting this journey at the age of 49 has been humbling as well as life-changing, I am excited and grateful!


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