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Erchonia Laser Presentation

by Mar 24, 2018

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » Erchonia Laser Presentation

This week was just like any other with a few exceptions. As always, I tried to have fun during my free time and continue to learn during my time in clinic. I continued to treat patients and perform manipulations, exams, formulate diagnoses, and work on my charts.


We blocked off the schedule on Thursday, because we had a special presentation. Erchonia Corp. is one of the leading companies in Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), and has conducted multiple double-blind placebo studies on applications of laser. They presented studies on body contouring, edema reduction, concussion, and pain. Erchonia’s research suggests there is a systemic effect with laser application and the best part is there are no known side effects. It modulates inflammation in the body by working on the same pathway as pharmaceuticals and supplements. Low level laser acts as a cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitor, and thus can decrease inflammation without the detrimental effects of NSAIDs such as gastrointestinal issues.

Steve Shanks the president, and Charlie Shanks the vice preseident, gave the initial presentation. Afterward, the representatives from Erchonia provided a demonstration. They used muscle testing to show instant results. Dr. Jen Gantzer, an NUHS FL alumnus, uses Erchonia lasers in her practice daily. She was also in attendance and helped show us how to use their lasers.

Once we understood how to set the parameters, I practiced it on myself. Erchonia stated the laser works best with movement. I had a soccer game the day before and had a pretty sore knee so I started squatting and using it on myself. The laser emits a light wave that can travel through clothes, however the company stated putting it directly on the skin is better. Erchonia Corp made a very generous donation to NUHS FL and donated three lasers to our school!

We brought the laser back to clinic that day and after getting a chance to use it both on myself and on my patients, I have a very positive opinion of the Erchonia Lasers. Thus far I have had great results, and some patients had instant relief. I was a bit skeptical at first, but if my patients find relief, then I like it, too.

Laser therapy looks like the future of medicine. We are able to influence pathways in the body without having to ingest a pharmaceutical. Most states do not allow Doctors of Chiropractic to prescribe, therefore having a safe and conservative alternative allows us to help our patients even more. I am strongly considering investing in an Erchonia laser myself, with a new practice right around the corner.

The president and vice president gave us their business cards and told us we as NUHS students are welcome to attend their seminars. They even discussed giving discounts and offering payment plans for those of us who wish to purchase a laser while in school, or within our first year in practice.

This is another tool to help the patients heal. That is my philosophy, and the philosophy of so many here at NUHS.

If you have any questions please email me at [email protected].

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About the Author

Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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