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Diversity Week, Mock Health Fair, and COVID-19

by Mar 20, 2020

Home » Naturopathic Medicine Student Blog » Diversity Week, Mock Health Fair, and COVID-19

Week 8 of every trimester is Diversity Week. And, Week 13 is always self-care week as it falls right before final exams kick off. But for Diversity Week this trimester, Dr. Coe (who is the one that took the photo) had an idea that she wanted to do for a photo.

Photo 1 Belinda

We grabbed a few people and posed for this awesome shot. My hands are the ones with the blue and black polka-dot sleeve.  Other hands include those of Jeffrey Mensah, Dr. Bose, David Vang, Aquilla Braxton, and Brian Bernier. I think it is a really cool shot that showcases some of the diversity we have here at National University.

We take a marketing and communications class during our sixth trimester. One of the requirements of the course is a mock health fair, which just so happened to take place right before the peak of the COVID-19 fiasco. We did not end up having many visitors due to the concern over the virus, but it was still a good experience. My partner, Miko, and I created an integrative healthcare practice. He is a chiropractic student, and I am obviously a naturopathic student, but we are both super interested in endurance sports and triathlon. We had fun coming up with our elevator speech and concept for our company. We set up a sample triathlon transition area and everything.

Photo 2 Belinda

This week, all of our classes were completed online. We are still unsure what future weeks will hold, as regulations are constantly changing. I know our school administrators are doing everything within their power to keep the students safe, all while also helping us to meet our graduation requirements on time. This is a difficult task, as many of our classes require in-person, hands-on labs and activities. It will be very interesting to see how the rest of the trimester ends up shaping out.

Stay healthy, and safe everyone! 

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About the Author

Belinda Smith

Belinda Smith

My name is Belinda, but I prefer to go by Lindy. I am in my final year as a Naturopathic Medical student at National University of Health Sciences. I’m originally from Maryland and will always consider it to be my home. I live on campus, in the Bucholz building with my dog, Lily. I love the sport of triathlon and will totally geek out if anyone wants to talk bikes or racing with me! I’m looking forward to blogging about study tips, ways to have fun on campus, and all the details of a full-time medical student. I love talking with people, so if you have any questions please email me at [email protected]


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