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Best Recommendations When Applying to Naturopathic Medical School

by Jun 4, 2021

Home » Naturopathic Medicine Student Blog » Best Recommendations When Applying to Naturopathic Medical School

I remember being very nervous when I initially applied to this program. I was worried that I did not have enough of a science background, or that my pre-requisite courses were inadequate. Then I was worried about how to get appropriate letters of recommendation since I had been out of school for so long.

1) To help with both of those concerns, I decided to enroll in a post-baccalaureate program at the University of Maryland. Had I known back then that I would end up here, I likely would have done that coursework at National, so that I would have been able to get a head start at learning anatomy inside the cadaver lab.

2) I would also highly recommend a campus visit! I was in a car accident the day before I was scheduled to do my campus visit and had to reschedule. I almost cancelled entirely because it was very difficult to work out with my schedule at the time, however I am so glad I decided to make it work! Some of the other students I met that day are still some of my dearest friends in this program. It is a great way to meet some upper classmen, as well as other students that may be entering the program at the same time as you.

3) My last piece of advice is that if you have any hesitation about going on this adventure, simply take the leap! It will be a wild ride, but you will not regret it! You may have to make some major sacrifices to make it happen, and even those will be worth it in the end.  

Lindys New Nephew

Speaking of sacrifices, I had a new nephew born over the weekend. I will not get to meet him until August when I graduate, which makes me sad. But like I said, it will be worth it in the end!


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About the Author

Belinda Smith

Belinda Smith

My name is Belinda, but I prefer to go by Lindy. I am in my final year as a Naturopathic Medical student at National University of Health Sciences. I’m originally from Maryland and will always consider it to be my home. I live on campus, in the Bucholz building with my dog, Lily. I love the sport of triathlon and will totally geek out if anyone wants to talk bikes or racing with me! I’m looking forward to blogging about study tips, ways to have fun on campus, and all the details of a full-time medical student. I love talking with people, so if you have any questions please email me at [email protected]


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