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Balance Brunch

by Aug 7, 2015

With finals around the corner, I have started to prepare myself (both mentally and physically) for the marathon that is Finals Week. I have been working out to relieve stress. but it’s still very difficult. The second exam in neurophysiology is Monday leaving just the final for that class in the last week.

(Photo credit: Kelsey Jackson)

I still found time to go to Motion Palpation Club this week where we were discussing palpation of the lower extremity. Dr. Guadagno showed us how to assess for dysfunction of the knee and ankle joints. We then practiced on one another.

He then showed us assessment for the tarsals and metatarsals. An upper trimester student, Nick also helped show me how to motion palpate these joints.


The hands-on aspect of school is my favorite; I am excited for the upcoming classes in which we focus on our tactile skills.

The following days we covered more material in class that we will be tested on during the dreaded Finals Week! Thankfully the weekend came and helped keep the stress levels at bay. My friends and I went out for Sunday brunch at a local restaurant. We shared great food and great conversation. Now I am back at my apartment and have to study for my exam tomorrow. My friends thankfully reminded me that in order to get through the program it is all about finding that balance.


Thanks for reading if you have any questions feel free to email me at [email protected]!

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Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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