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At Last, Our White Coat Ceremony

Friday, November 26, 2021

We have lived through a turbulent, uneasy time with a pandemic ceasing most campus activities, including the White Coat Ceremony. At last, NUHS found it safe to hold a ceremony for the last five trimester classes that were unable to have their own ceremony. It was a wonderful event led by our Dr. Strauss (our dean) and President Stiefel.

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Our guest speaker, Dr. Kelly, gave a beautiful insightful speech about the importance of chiropractors in our society and our journey in finding our way and making deep impacts in patients’ lives. The Chiropractic Oath was a solemn moment reminding me of the symbolism of the white coat as well as the significance and seriousness of the path on which I have embarked. In that moment, I reflected on all the challenges I faced and overcame to finally make it to this point in my life. A point in my life where I feel proud of my efforts, humbled by my setbacks, and sincerely grateful for my support system and community. I can truly say I am happy. I am so thankful for my family’s continued encouragement and patience as I veered through different paths (some bumpier than others) to find an occupation where I felt I truly belonged. I continue to be inspired by professors who share their stories and support our journey through this chiropractic program. The White Coat Ceremony was a wonderful event and a fulfilling moment to share with classmates who have been beside me since the first trimester. We have been a great team thus far!

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Our Tri-4 Tribe

Just as Dr Kelly ended her speech with this quote, I end this blog with the same touching Winston Churchill quote, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”