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NUHS Faculty Dr. Smith discusses integrative medicine in U.S. News and World Report article

by Mar 12, 2024

Home » News » NUHS Faculty Dr. Smith discusses integrative medicine in U.S. News and World Report article

Dr Fraser SmithFraser Smith, ND, assistant dean and associate professor of naturopathic medicine at National University of Heath Sciences, was recently featured in a U.S. News and World Report article about the addition of integrative medicine into many medical school programs. 

Dr. Smith highlighted the popularity of complementary and alternative medicine among Americans and its use in mainstream medicine. 

“I find most people in any given household, at least someone uses something – massage, chiropractic, naturopathic medicine, herbal medicine – at any given time,” Dr. Smith said in the article. “It’s become more mainstream in some ways, or at least part of our common culture.” 

He adds that there are plenty of scientifically proven approaches aside from standard drug therapy, such as chiropractic and herbal extracts, that can be useful to patients and help relieve pain. 

The article shares the perspectives of other integrative medicine proponents, as well, along with a list of medical schools that currently incorporate integrative medicine into their curriculum such as Yale University, Brown University, and John Hopkins University. 

To read the full article, click here.  

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