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‘Just One Drop’ Documentary

Friday, November 10, 2017

Last week Thursday, I attended a screening of the documentary, “Just One Drop” that explores the most controversial system of medicine — homeopathy. The NUHS Homeopathy Club did a great job getting the screening closer to campus, in Warrenville, Illinois, instead of Rockford, Illinois, where it was originally scheduled.

2017-11-10_poster.jpgThe film was well done; it addressed the common myths and misconceptions about homeopathy. It also shed light on conflicts of interest and misconduct by investigators who compiled a negative report saying that homeopathy doesn’t work. The research studies on which they based their conclusion didn’t include any study with less than 150 participants, which was conveniently the number that excluded the majority of homeopathic research.

Homeopathic remedies differ from allopathic medication in the sense that it is individualized to the person, not to the condition, and there could be 40 people with the same medical condition requiring 40 different remedies. This is why it’s hard to do large research studies; one homeopathic remedy can’t be given to all participants for one condition.

The film has some powerful cases of patients who had tried all other types of medicine with no improvement who turned to homeopathy as a last resort. When the right homeopathic remedy for each individual was found, they drastically improved. 

I had fun watching the documentary with many other NUHS students and professors! I highly recommend it if you’re curious about homeopathy.