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CAM Day and Naturopathic Medicine Week!

by Oct 12, 2018

Home » Naturopathic Medicine Student Blog » CAM Day and Naturopathic Medicine Week!

I have so much to blog about! It has been a crazy couple weeks of midterms (with what seems like no end in sight). But, in between some of the craziness, there have been some exciting events taking place on campus!CAM Week Pic

During Naturopathic Medicine Week, National University has been taking action and working to accumulate points to win the Golden Avocado trophy, as well as bragging rights. (As of this writing, we are anxiously watching the points board for final results!) There were so many events this week with the observance concluding Friday. Each day has followed a different theme:

Monday: History of Naturopathic Medicine

Tuesday: Modalities of Naturopathic Medicine

Wednesday: Philosophy of Naturopathic Medicine

Thursday: Determinants of Health

Friday: Special Populations, Legislative Awareness & Guacamole Party!

Last week included CAM day. CAM stands for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The Student American Chiropractic Association (SACA) did an amazing job pulling the event together, and managed to get some cool sponsors to visit campus and give us free stuff. There was also a raffle for additional items…and guess who was one of the lucky ones to win?! Me! Pictured below is everything I took home, including some of the items from my prize bag. 

CAM Day Pic

Can I also just take a minute to recognize how cool it is for the chiropractic students and naturopathic students to receive an integrated medical education at NUHS? I love it here! As a naturopathic medicine student, I love that we get to learn high-level adjusting techniques from some of the best chiropractic professors in the field. Physical medicine, or adjusting, is a very important modality in the Naturopathic Medicine toolbox. I definitely plan to use it in my future practice, and I am taking full advantage of the opportunity for adjustments (on a regular basis) from some of the upper trimester students.

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About the Author

Belinda Smith

Belinda Smith

My name is Belinda, but I prefer to go by Lindy. I am in my final year as a Naturopathic Medical student at National University of Health Sciences. I’m originally from Maryland and will always consider it to be my home. I live on campus, in the Bucholz building with my dog, Lily. I love the sport of triathlon and will totally geek out if anyone wants to talk bikes or racing with me! I’m looking forward to blogging about study tips, ways to have fun on campus, and all the details of a full-time medical student. I love talking with people, so if you have any questions please email me at [email protected]


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