Sometimes, the best thing that you can do in order to support long-term learning as a student is simply to take a break! When the quizzes, exams, deadlines, and “need to study” roll in at a constant rate, it can be challenging to even recognize that a break is needed. It also can be challenging to determine when it’s a good time to take a break.
After two busy exam weeks, I recognized that it was a perfect time to visit home for a weekend before the next set of exams rolls around. Of course, I still got study time in. But for two days, I was much more flexible with my typical school schedule. It was glorious!
Since the drive back home takes several hours, I decided to make the best use of my drive time. I listened to a Zoom presentation about the impact of an anti-inflammatory diet on Hashimoto’s, listened to videos that I needed to check out, and used my phone’s talk-to-text feature to write up a reflection paper. This list may not sound much like a “break,” but it let me get lingering things checked off my list so I could fully relax into a break.
Nothing beats getting out of your normal environment/routine and transplanting into a new, peaceful one! For weeks, my school schedule has been strict with little wiggle room. When I got home on Friday afternoon, I enjoyed chilling out for the rest of the day. I enjoyed a long campfire with my wife as my dog slept on his lounge chair (yes, he has his own lounge chair). At the end of evening, we experienced a breathtaking sunset over the gorgeous country scene. As I got ready for bed, I noticed that my sweatshirt smelled like campfire (one of my favorite smells). Although I did some studying on Saturday, I enjoyed the day and got plenty of rest and relaxation. I slept in a bit, enjoyed a slow morning with my dog and cat, made my wife a delicious breakfast, and went on several walks (wooded and neighborhood) throughout the day. We enjoyed a grilled dinner and had another backyard campfire.
Overall, I am grateful for a perfect weekend that allowed me to rest more than normal and rebalance in a way that I needed. I have returned back to my normal routine more refreshed, motivated, and focused!
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