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Two NUHS Faculty Release New Book on GERD, IBS and IBD

by Sep 10, 2014

Home » Faculty Achievements » Two NUHS Faculty Release New Book on GERD, IBS and IBD

Fraser Smith, ND and Daniel Richardson, PhD of National University of Health Sciences, along with Susan Hannah, have co-the ph balance health and diet guide for GERD IBS and IBD book coverauthored a new book titled: “The pH Balance Health & Diet Guide for GERD, IBS & IBD.”

“This book is important since pH balance relates to the determinants of health and is key to maintaining those systems in the body that are critical for prevention of disease,” says Dr. Daniel Richardson, who is also assistant dean for the NUHS College of Allied Health Sciences.

“The book is specifically designed for those individuals who have issues with the gastrointestinal system: GERD, irritable bowel and inflammatory bowel disorders, ” he says.  “However it can also be useful for those who try to maintain through diet a Healthy Life style through the proper balance of pH.”

Dr. Fraser Smith, assistant dean for naturopathic medicine at NUHS says: “Highly processed foods can stress the body’s buffering systems, as does a diet high in meat, dairy and sugar. Your body becomes overwhelmed with processing the dietary acid imbalance, and for some individuals this can exacerbate everything from weight gain and gastrointestinal conditions to skin conditions, chronic fatigue and respiratory ailments.”

The book gives information on how to follow an acid-alkaline balanced diet, and provides current information on common gastrointestinal conditions. In addition, readers will enjoy 175 recipes for healing and healthy foods that follow the pH recommendations.

Published by Robert Rose, it is now available on Dr. Smith and Dr. Richardson hope to host an on-campus book signing in the NUHS Learning Resource Center soon.

“We are proud that Dr. Smith and Dr. Richardson have published a book that will undoubtedly prove to be a help to so many people,” says President Joseph Stiefel of NUHS. “Their combined expertise in nutrition and medical science is formidable, and our students are fortunate to study under such leaders in natural health care.”

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