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Swan Lake at NUHS!

by Jun 15, 2023

Home » Naturopathic Medicine Student Blog » Swan Lake at NUHS!

If you have read some of my past blog entries, you might be aware that I enjoy walking every day to decompress, gain perspective, and enjoy nature. Although the majority of my walks occur in the nearby neighborhoods that surround NUHS, I always end my walk by visiting the on-campus pond (Lake Janse). In the past, I have observed many birds hanging out there, including ducks, geese, cormorants, egrets—and more recently—swans!

 After being paired together last season and again this season, I noticed that the NUHS swan couple was hanging out quite a lot on their floating raft in the middle of Lake Janse. I noticed the female swan preparing bedding and ‘getting cozy’ on several occasions. I suspected that she might be pregnant or laid eggs there, but I could not really know for sure.

 But now, I have some exciting news about the NUHS swans—as I suspected, the couple was expecting offspring! One morning while at the student clinic, I overheard a group of people who were excited after visiting Lake Janse. I immediately knew what was going on, and I walked there and discovered that their eggs finally hatched! 

 I saw 7 beautiful, fuzzy baby swans (cygnets) swimming in the pond! It is so beautiful to watch them experience life. I am happy that they are happy and healthy. They are growing up quickly. It is is wonderful to witness the swan family swimming and exploring the NUHS Swan Lake together!

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About the Author

Katie Kavicky-Mels

Katie Kavicky-Mels

My name is Katie Kavicky-Mels, and I am in my last year of the Naturopathic Medicine program at NUHS. I am a naturopathic intern at the student clinic in Lombard. I live in beautiful Door County, Wisconsin, but I currently live on campus. My roots are deep in nature, and I enjoy camping, hiking, foraging and campfires. I am passionate about addressing the root causes of health issues using nature as the foundation. I look forward to sharing my naturopathic journey with you. I like meeting new folks, so please reach out if you have any questions!


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