National University celebrated the hard work and accomplishments of about 50 graduating students in various professional and undergraduate programs during its April 21 commencement ceremony.
Terry Mason, MD, FACS, chief operating officer of the Cook County Department of Public Health, served as commencement speaker. He discussed the reasons he chose to leave his private practice after 25 years to focus on holistic approaches to health management.
“The real problem is not heart disease, stroke, diabetes…it’s actually a nutritional problem,” Dr. Mason said. “That’s the real cause of the disease.”
Dr. Mason encouraged students to let the “why” or the reasons they chose to pursue the profession, drive them. “You have to be ready to fight for what you believe,” he said.
Valedictorians from each program also spoke at the ceremony, including Marija Jomontas, Mackenzie Chin, Alexander Buechter, Roxan Salvato and Sharon Borkowski.
Jomontas, valedictorian of the Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences program, talked to students about going beyond their limitations and the so-called “impossible.” Salvato, valedictorian for the Master of Science in Oriental Medicine program, talked to students about persevering toward their goals in today’s busy world. “Be the active hero of your life,” Salvato said. “Love what you do and never settle.”
In the ceremony’s final remarks, NUHS President Joseph Stiefel, MS, EdD., DC, reminded students to be welcoming to their patients, who are often entering a world entirely new to them.
College of Professional Studies
Doctor of Chiropractic
Wala AbuMallouh Kathleen Bitzel Alexander Buecter Yussef Chileuitt Craig Cusson Courtney Drendel Emily Forsgren Sarah Gagne Jeffrey Gelband |
Griffin Gibson Madhu Iyer Jennifer Keaton Zachary Klausing William Leach Katie Maier Mark McBride Zachary McKee Elizabeth Merriman Clancy Miller |
Emery Pitcel Kaitlyn Popp Eleanor Stauffer David Swain Andrew Tamras Michael Vanchieri Luye Yang |
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
Sharon Borkowski Lauren Marcoullier Ashley Woyak Steven Zarembka |
Master of Science in Acupuncture
Giulio Germano
Jessica Gradel Emily Jolson |
Master of Science in Oriental Medicine
Marla Mayerson Gloria Moody Roxan Salvato |
College of Allied Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences
Estefania Almeida
Tiffany Alvarado Victoria Anton Christopher Borosak Mackenzie Chin Anjell Collie |
Jaser Hamdan Marija Jamontas Judith Neplyuev Kyle Richmond Daniel Rivera Tim Sluis Rafael Wlodarczyk |