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NUHS Homeopathy Instructors Launch New Ebook

by Apr 20, 2015

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Timothy Fior, MD, and co-author Dr. Francine Burke, teach the Homeopathy III course in National University’s naturopathic medicine program. They recently launched a new 527-page e-book on iTunes titled, “Essentials of Homeopathic Medicine.”essentials of homeopathic medicine cover

New technology on iTunes has allowed Dr. Fior to combine color photos, video and the entire package of course materials and handouts used in his NUHS course. “While I initially wrote it with my class in mind, anyone who wants to learn the nuts and bolts of homeopathy could benefit from it,” he says. “It’s really a primer on how to apply homeopathic remedies to patient care. It covers the taking of patient histories as well as case analysis and management. In addition, we go over the 13 polychrest remedies that form the foundation of homeopathic medicine.”

Dr. Fior also says that the e-book offers great advantages over print books: “You can download a free 15-page sample to review, and any future updates or added materials will be automatically accessible for those who purchase the book on iTunes.”

Dr. Fior, a family practice physician, has been working with homeopathic medicine for 27 years.  He is the past president and current vice president of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association. He is now part of the Lombard Center for Integral Health, a local group practice that specializes in homeopathic medicine. The practice also boasts fellow faculty member Joel Sheppard, MD, and NUHS grad Simona Ciobanu, ND (’10) and a fourth practitioner, Arup Das, MD.

“Dr. Fior has successfully combined education on a traditional medicine that is centuries old with the latest in e-book technology. We’re proud that our naturopathic medicine program offers the expertise of notable leaders in homeopathic medicine, such as Dr. Timothy Fior and Dr. Francine Burke,” says NUHS President Joseph Stiefel. “We congratulate them on this tremendous accomplishment.”

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