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New Donor Center Unveiled in Janse Hall

by Sep 29, 2011

Home » News » New Donor Center Unveiled in Janse Hall

The newly remodeled Janse main hallway boasts a colorful new addition: National University of Health Sciences’ new Donor Center.

nuhs donor center janse hall

The new Donor Center replaces the amphitheatre as the main focal point of National University’s gratitude to its many generous donors. Previously, donors were acknowledged on specially engraved bricks in the university’s outdoor amphitheatre.  The outdoor location, however, made it difficult for students and visitors to locate each donor’s name, and appreciate the large number of donors–especially when the bricks were hidden under the winter snow!

The center celebrates donors who have given the university $5,000 or more, in varying increments and giving clubs.  National University’s many donors include alumni, corporations and institutions serving the health professions, grateful patients, faculty and staff, and other friends who support the National University’s educational mission and goals. The special design allows the display to be updated on an annual basis to reflect higher levels of giving and new contributors.

“Placing the Donor Center in the Janse building’s main hallway allows our students to better appreciate the many people who make their education possible,” says President James F. Winterstein. “Without the financial support of the individuals named in this display, we simply could not offer the high quality of education that we do, nor the tuition support for the many students we are able to assist.”

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