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Free & Fun Phone Apps for Biomedical Science Students
If you just can’t get enough science, you can turn your phone into a fun science learning resource through several free apps:
iCell for iPhone and iPad, or Android
Gives a 3D view of various cells and their structures and organelles.
3D Brain for iPhone and iPad, or Android
Use your touch screen to rotate and zoom around 29 interactive structures in the human brain. Discover how each brain region functions, what happens when it is injured, and how it is involved in mental illness. Each detailed structure comes with information on functions, disorders, brain damage, case studies, and links to modern research.
Speed Anatomy Quiz for iPhone and iPad, or Android
How fast can you point to your liver or gall bladder? Do you know the difference between, the sacrum and the manubrium? Speed Anatomy is an addictive game that tests your speed and challenges your knowledge of human anatomy.
Periodic Table of Elements for iPhone and iPad, or Android
No more wall charts necessary!
Gene Screen for iPhone and iPad
Teaches the basics of genetics, genetic diseases, and genetic screenings with helpful animations.
Genetics for Medics for Android
A bit more advanced information on genetics, but hey, it’s free!
Project Noah for iPhone and iPad, or Android
Take a photo of a plant or animal in nature that you’ve spotted to keep a record of species, learn more about it, and contribute to planet-wide data collection.
Don’t forget, National University of Health Sciences now has a mobile-friendly website too!