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Dr. Smith publishes new textbook, Naturopathic Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Dr Fraser SmithFraser Smith, MATD, ND, Assistant Dean for Naturopathic Medicine at National University of Health Sciences, recently released a new textbook, Naturopathic Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide. Published by Springer, it is available both in print and in digital format.

The textbook provides a clear understanding of the naturopathic approach and how it differs from conventional medicine. The book also examines what states lead to disease and how to restore stability and function to various systems such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, etc.

According to Dr. Smith, the textbook offers a logical framework for the approach to treatment and should appeal to both practitioners and students alike.

“It will help practitioners think beyond their usual treatment plans, something we all need to be encouraged to do,” Dr. Smith said. “Students will find it helps them understand the discipline of naturopathic medicine as a distinct medical art.”

The text, which he started writing in Spring 2021, is influenced by his 16 years of teaching and student successes within the naturopathic medicine program at National University.

“National University puts a strong emphasis on understanding the process of disease and the order of employing therapeutics in a patient’s case,” he said. “Students have appreciated that, and we’ve received positive feedback. This textbook takes those concepts a step or two further.”

Dr. Smith has written several books in the past, including his first textbook in 2008 along with various nutrition-oriented books for the general public. He has also contributed to another textbook and had a major role in Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, 5th edition.

Compared to other books, Dr. Smith said there are two factors that make Naturopathic Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide especially unique. This includes a recurring model about the levels of dysfunction in disease and a model of treatment that involves balancing natural treatments that increase the body’s adaptive responses to illness and stress with those treatments (natural and synthetic) that just reduce maladaptive responses. 

“The book accepts all useful therapies as having a place–but naturopathic medicine is a distinct approach,” he said.