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Dr. Fraser Smith Releases New Book: “Keep Your Brain Young”

by Jun 17, 2014

Home » Faculty Achievements » Dr. Fraser Smith Releases New Book: “Keep Your Brain Young”

National University’s own Dr. Fraser Smith, assistant dean for naturopathic medicine, has authored a newkeep your brain young book coverly released book “Keep Your Brain Young” with contributor Ellie Aghdassi, PhD, RD. The book offers a health and diet program for brain health, and includes 150 recipes. It is published by Robert Rose, and is currently available on and through other major book retailers.

The book is full of helpful tables, illustrations and diagrams and covers key topics such as reducing inflammation, the role of Omega 3 fatty acids in brain health, essential nutrients for nourishing brain function, and much more.

Key dietary and lifestyle steps in the book help readers employ specific strategies that will reduce their risk of dementia and other brain disease as they age. With Dr. Smith and Dr. Aghdassi’s advice in hand, readers can understand how to keep their mental faculties in good condition to promote a higher quality of life as they age.

“I wanted to share this specific information from a naturopathic physician’s point of view, as so often people feel helpless when facing age-related loss of memory or brain function, and are quite terrified at the very real risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease,” says Dr. Smith. “I wanted to show how the determinants of health play a big role in brain health, and that people can feel empowered to make a real difference in reducing their risk of brain disease, and improving how they experience aging.”

Dr. Smith is also the author of an important textbook of naturopathic medicine, Introduction to Principles and Practices of Naturopathic Medicine, which is used in several naturopathic educational programs across the country. He has also led National University of Health Sciences’ naturopathic medicine program since its inception. Dr. Smith worked to build the program’s faculty and curricula, seeing it through the process of full accreditation and developing it into the thriving program it is today.


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