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A Different Trimester Wrap-Up Than Normal

by Aug 11, 2023

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I am now in the process of wrapping up yet another trimester of the naturopathic medicine program. However, this trimester wrap-up is different than past wrap-ups for a couple of reasons.

 First, I will be taking my last set of final exams at NUHS, because I will have completed all of my coursework. This means that my botanical medicine final exam will be the last final exam that I ever take at NUHS. This is actually a bit bittersweet for me. I am excited that I can focus only on my clinical learnings next trimester without the assignments, studying, and exams associated with coursework. With more time, I know that I will use it to dive deeply into researching rabbit holes that I hear calling my name. I really enjoy spending time researching, as I am able to not only learn new things, but I also have the opportunity to apply the knowledge I have in clinical ways! On the other hand, it will be a bit strange having no coursework next trimester, because I genuinely have enjoyed learning the material and concepts presented in my classes for the past several years. However, I know that my learning is far from finished (as I already have plans for continuing education).

Next, this trimester’s end is also different than past trimesters, because I will have no break in between this trimester and the next. Instead, I will continue carrying out my naturopathic clinic shifts throughout the break. This is good, because I will continue to see patients without a pause in care. I will still go home to Wisconsin during break, but only on the weekends. It will be a change for sure, and I look forward to visiting home more frequently. And then in the Fall, I will officially be starting my last trimester at NUHS!

 Find out more about NUHS’ Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine here.

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About the Author

Katie Kavicky-Mels

Katie Kavicky-Mels

My name is Katie Kavicky-Mels, and I am in my last year of the Naturopathic Medicine program at NUHS. I am a naturopathic intern at the student clinic in Lombard. I live in beautiful Door County, Wisconsin, but I currently live on campus. My roots are deep in nature, and I enjoy camping, hiking, foraging and campfires. I am passionate about addressing the root causes of health issues using nature as the foundation. I look forward to sharing my naturopathic journey with you. I like meeting new folks, so please reach out if you have any questions!


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