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Michael Bouvier

Michael Bouvier

Michael BouvierMichael Bouvier is a 2003 graduate of National University of Health Sciences. During his first trimester at NUHS, he came up with the business name Enlightened Hands.

The mission of Enlightened Hands is “total body re-education through a combination of a variety of massage techniques with education of proper body mechanics, food nutrition and supplementation, and self care techniques.”

Alongside his wife Christine, also a National University graduate, Michael operates the incorporated business seven days a week with locations in Westmont, Algonquin, and Hinsdale, Illinois.

Michael also provides home visits and chair massages, and has successfully worked with workman’s compensation claims and insurance providers. In addition, Michael provides massage for several corporate accounts, including McDonalds.

“In my business, I’ve been able to interact with many massage therapists who come from other schools,” Michael said. “I think National’s caliber is higher. I highly recommend that people choose National for its anatomy training, the hands-on experience they’ll have, the pathology classes, as well as National’s business program.”

What’s Michael’s advice for those considering a career in massage therapy?

“Self-care is very important, especially your hands and arms,” he explained. “They are literally what keep you in business. You need to get into this business for the right reasons–to help people. If your intent is right, then the money will come.”

Why does Michael feel he is so successful?

“I love what I do, so it comes through in my massage.”