Take The Next Step to Becoming a Naturopathic Doctor
Our Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine program will prepare you to become a first-contact, primary care physician fully qualified to diagnose, treat, and manage a wide range of conditions. Ready to take the next step in your journey to becoming a naturopathic medicine practitioner?
Fill out the form to your right to request more info today!
Kickstart a Rewarding Career in Naturopathic Medicine
The demand for alternative methods of health care is on the rise due to the increase in the prevalence of chronic disease, coupled with an increased desire on the part of health-conscious Americans for alternatives to traditional Western medicine.
So, the career outlook in naturopathic medicine has never been brighter—which means there has never been a better time to invest in earning a naturopathic medicine degree from a top naturopathic medicine school!

4 in 10 Americans Use Complementary Medicine Treatments
Nearly 4 in 10 Americans use some form of complementary and alternative medicine treatments such as naturopathic medicine.

5,000 Practicing Physicians
The field of naturopathic medicine continues to grow with more than 5,000 practicing physicians in North America, a number that has tripled in the last 10 years.

$95,000 Average Income for ND Doctors
Over 1,200 doctors of naturopathic medicine surveyed by the American Association of Naturopathic Medicine Colleges (AANMC) shows that an established doctor of naturopathic medicine working full-time earns an average income of about $95,000.
Why Choose National as Your Naturopathic Medicine School?
For more than 110 years, NUHS has been the leader in integrative teaching, training and treatment. What makes us different?
Collaborative Learning Opportunities
Naturopathic medicine students learn in the classroom with students from other health programs, as well as treat patients collaboratively within an integrative clinic. National University’s focus on collaborative learning encourages students to become colleagues rather than competitors.
This better prepares them for future careers in today’s integrated health care.
Rigorous Science Curriculum
At National University, the rigorous basic science coursework provides a foundation for applying the biomedical sciences to understanding the evolution of patient conditions and engineering a plan that will help them return to health.
Clinical theory courses presented early in the curriculum, and continued throughout the program, aid students in applying the basic science knowledge they need for a successful career in naturopathic medicine!
Dual Degree Advantage
At NUHS, you will have the option to earn a second degree (DC or MAc) through dual enrollment.
Earning two degrees simultaneously can save you months, years and several thousand dollars, while also expanding your career options as a doctor of naturopathic medicine and increasing your earning potential.
Earn Your Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from a Top Naturopathic Medicine School in as Little as 10 Trimesters
Big City. Big Opportunities.
The Chicagoland area is also home to one of the largest health care communities in the country with over 120 hospitals and hundreds of area clinics, giving you countless opportunities to pursue a career in complementary and alternative medicine.
Prior to graduating from our Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine program, you’ll serve a full year clinical internship at one of our many exciting internship options including the Whole Health Center in Lombard, or at the Salvation Army clinic helping the medically underserved.

State-of-the-Art Facilities
Students are taught in modern classrooms utilizing state-of-the-art technology, like our Training and Assessment Center where you will work with “standardized patients” to develop your clinical and communication skills. Our gross anatomy laboratory housing over 40 human cadavers, allows you to learn by hands-on dissection rather than prosection or virtual instruction.
In addition to hands-on dissection, NUHS offers The Anatomage Table, today’s most technologically advanced digital visualization system for anatomy education. In our Hydrotherapy suite, students treat patients using the therapeutic benefits of water.
Our fully stocked herbal dispensary carries a wide variety of homeopathic remedies, botanical medicines, tinctures and herbs, and students can even experience botanical herb cultivation in the NUHS Botanical Garden. These unique experiences will set you up for a successful career in naturopathic medicine!
Experience the NUHS Difference for Yourself!
National University’s Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine program is accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME), allowing NUHS graduates to sit for the NPLEX examinations which are the gateway to practice in licensed states.
We believe in bringing together professionals from a broad range of medical specialties for the benefit of patients and the healthcare industry as a whole. By earning a doctor of naturopathic medicine degree from NUHS, you’ll be ideally suited for the growing number of integrative practice opportunities.
If you’re passionate about pursuing a future in naturopathic medicine, it’s time to take the next step—earning your degree from a top naturopathic medicine school. Contact us today!