Stephanie Durocher Attending Clinician, NUHS Whole Health Center – Florida Stephanie Durocher, DC, is currently serving as an Attending Clinician at the NUHS Whole Health Center in Pinellas Park, Florida. As a Board-Certified Chiropractic Acupuncturist and...
Faculty C - E

Faculty C - E
Dybala, Melissa
Melissa Dybala, ND, DC Assistant Professor, Clinical Sciences Melissa Dybala, ND, DC, is a clinician in the naturopathic medicine department at National University of Health Sciences’ Whole Health Center. In her role, she oversees patient care, ensuring that standards...
Driscoll, Daniel R.
Daniel R. Driscoll
Curtin, Kevin J.
Kevin J. Curtin, DC Associate Professor, Clinical Sciences Kevin J. Curtin, DC graduated summa cum laude with a doctor of chiropractic medicine from National University of Health Sciences. While maintaining a private practice in is hometown of Homer Glen, IL, and...
Cooper, Daniel J.
Daniel J. Cooper
Coe, Patricia A.
“I love my job. I get to teach; I get to know these students for an entire year and be part of their professional training. I enjoy the opportunity to see them from the first week, work with them one-on-one, and watch them come into their own as massage therapists.”
Ciobanu, Simona
Simona Ciobanu
Cedermark, Ryan
Ryan Cedermark
Cambron, Jerrilyn A.
Jerrilyn Cambron received her DC degree from National University of Health Sciences (then National College of Chiropractic) in 1991, and received her MPH and PhD degrees from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1999 and 2005. She then completed a certification program in massage therapy at NUHS in 2006.
Cramer, Gregory
Gregory D. Cramer, DC, PhD Dean, Department of Research Professor, Research and Basic Sciences After graduating from National in 1979, Dr. Gregory Cramer practiced chiropractic medicine for five years with his father (David M. Cramer, DC, Lincoln Chiropractic College,...