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Advanced Scholars Program
biomedical science classroom

Advanced Scholars Program for NUHS Biomedical Science Students

Save one year of time and tuition by earning both a Bachelor of Biomedical Science (BS) degree and a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) or Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) degree at National University of Health Sciences.

If you have a 3.50 cumulative GPA and know that you want to pursue a graduate degree before or during your first trimester in the NUHS Biomedical Science program, you can join our Advanced Scholars Program. Complete 90 hours of undergraduate credit, with a minimum of 30 credit hours taken at NUHS, and then take 34 hours of transfer credit in the DC or ND program to earn your BS degree.

Locations: Illinois | Florida

How to Get Started

  1. Meet with your BS academic advisor early for details and to plan out required coursework.

  2. Contact the Office of Admissions at [email protected] or 1-800-826-6285 for an ASP application.

  3. An initial evaluation of undergraduate coursework will be completed to confirm a 3.50 cumulative GPA.

  4. If eligible, students then apply to the DC or ND program. Students must have taken at least 2 courses in Biology, 2 courses in Physics, 2 courses in General Chemistry, and 2 courses in Organic Chemistry.|

  5. Once admitted to the DC or ND program, a student will then be considered an Advanced Scholar. Students will not be eligible for Advanced Scholar status until completing one trimester in the BS program.

Advanced Scholars Program Course Overview

Students will be able to take the same evening courses as all other BS students. However, since only certain  courses in the BS program will be satisfied by coursework in the DC or ND program, students should meet with their academic advisor to be sure they are registering for the correct courses. 

Course #Course TitleCredits
BIOL133Research Method & Statistics Online3
BIOL201SHuman Physiology 13
BIOL203SHuman Physiology 23
BIOL205Human Physiology Lab Online1
BIOL304Basic Neuroscience3
BIOL306Cell Biology3
BIOL403Intro to Epidemiology Online3
CHEM111General Chemistry 13
CHEM113General Chemistry 23
CHEM116General Chemistry 1 Lab1
CHEM118General Chemistry 2 Lab1
CHEM201SOrganic Chemistry 1 Online3
CHEM203SOrganic Chemistry 2 Online3
CHEM206Organic Chemistry 1 Lab1
CHEM207Organic Chemistry 2 Lab1
COM103Medical Spanish3
COM107Diagnostic Art2
MATH135College Algebra3
NU301Nutrition in Health & Disease4
NU302Advanced Human Nutrition Online3
NU303Nutrition in the Life Cycle3
NU305Sports & Phys Perform Nutrition3
PHYS111SPhysics 13
PHYS113SPhysics 23
PHYS115General Physics Lab Online1
PHYS117Physics Lab 21
PUBH211Intro to Public Health Online3
TERM181Medical Terminology3

Students may take only 12 credits from the following list, since the remaining courses below will be satisfied by coursework in the DC or ND program:

Course #Course TitleCredits
BIOL221Anatomy 1 & Lab4
BIOL223Anatomy 2 & Lab4
BIOL231General Microbiology Online3
BIOL301Histology online3
BIOL302Exercise Physiology3
BIOL333Immunology Online3
BIOL337Pathophysiology Online3
CHEM401Principles of Pharmacology4
NU201Basic Nutrition Online3
NU304Food Science3
NU307Intro to Botanicals & Herbs Online3

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