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by Oct 21, 2015

Yes, we have reached that point in the trimester where things get a little crazy. With six midterms in two weeks I have been hitting the books hard.


My first midterm of the week was in Neuroendocrinology, GI, and Reproductive Physiology. My studying paid off in a big way considering I knew the majority of the material and Dr. Ott, the professor of the class, prides herself on her difficult exams. Most of the material was on the autonomic, enteric, and somatic nervous systems. To elaborate, we needed to know the different hormones released, where they are released, where they go, and what types of receptors are required for each hormone. One of the slides that helped me remember some of the information was a picture that displayed the differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. I am definitely a visual learner so having slides like this one helped a great deal.


The next day we all met in the anatomy lab to review for our next exam on Thursday. After spending over two hours reviewing the material, we all called it a night and got some rest for the following day. I did exceptionally well on the anatomy exam most likely because I am a very visual learner as I mentioned earlier. Not only was the review helpful, but the slides in the PowerPoint also helped. Nothing beats actually seeing and dissecting the structures, but the slides help recall what was done in the lab.


Finally we had our Pathology exam on Friday. That exam was very difficult because there was so much material covered in class, any of it could have been asked. I studied as much as I could and I know I passed. Thankfully NUHS offers peer tutoring by upper trimester students to help anyone who needs it. It is free for students and the tutors are usually very flexible with their time. With three midterms next week, I am going back to studying now.

Thanks for reading if you have any questions for me feel free to email me at [email protected]

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About the Author

Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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