One of the biggest challenges when you’re a full time student and also working full time is not to jump on one of the vending machines and eat junk food just because you don’t have time to shop or cook something healthier. At some point it happens to all of us and even if we know it is not the best option, sometimes it’s all we got.
I am one of those people who prefer to fast and not give in to temptation in front of the vending machine, but I also don’t like the idea of eating late in the evening after I am done with school.
A low carb diet opened up a whole new path for me and the last couple of months I played with different recipes and chose the ones that worked better for my body.
My breakfast is either a Bulletproof coffee with some added grass fed collagen peptides and cocoa butter, or a green smoothie with lots of healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil and hemp seeds. It keeps me full for 3-4 hours and then if I get hungry and don’t have time for lunch, I always carry with me some fat bombs.
The name must sound strange but I discovered they can keep me full a long time, don’t make me cranky, help with energy and weight loss, and I don’t crave sugar anymore! So, what’s a fat bomb?
It’s a bunch of healthy fats: coconut oil, cocoa butter, nut butters, tahini blended with other healthy ingredients like cacao powder, berries, sometimes superfoods powders, poured into chocolate molds and ready to eat whenever you need them.
Every weekend I try and make a fresh batch, freeze them for an hour, and then store them in a glass container in the fridge.
I recently discovered a recipe on the Calmful Living website that was using Natural Vitality Magnesium Powder and I decided to give it a try. I never used magnesium powder or oil before going on a low carb diet, but since then whenever I don’t pay attention to my magnesium intake I start having muscle cramps in my legs.
I twisted the original recipe a bit and here is my version:
- 1/3 cup cacao butter
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 2 teaspoons Lemon Calm magnesium powder
- Zest of 1 organic lemon
- Zest of 1 organic lime
- 2 drops organic lemon essential oil
- 1 teaspoon Xylitol (I don’t really like stevia. If you don’t really care about your carb intake use raw honey.)
- A pinch of sea salt
You just have to melt the butter and oil on a low temperature and then mix everything together. Pour the composition in whatever molds you have (ice cube trays work too), freeze it for an hour, and then store them in your fridge.
If you want to take them with you, you’re going to need a chilled container so they don’t melt.
The possibilities are endless! Instead of lemon flavor you can add some strawberries, blueberries, orange, peppermint, cacao and tahini, cacao and walnuts, etc. Choose the flavor you really like and you’ve got a winner!