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NUHS’ Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Celebrates 40th Anniversary

by Jun 20, 2018

Home » News » NUHS’ Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Celebrates 40th Anniversary

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), the first MEDLINE indexed scientific journal of the chiropractic profession. The JMPT, owned and facilitated by the National University of Health Sciences (NUHS), is the only journal in MEDLINE that is focused on chiropractic medicine.

The concept of the Journal was conceived by the late Joseph Janse, DC, ND. Dr. Janse was a 1938 alumnus of NUHS, then National College of Chiropractic (NCC); in 1945, he would become the college’s third president.

During Dr. Janse’s presidency, he and others in the profession identified “the need for the critical attitudes of the scientist in things chiropractic.” It was determined that at that time, much of the information presented as research lacked in scientific method and evidence-based study.

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics coverAfter many years of development, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics was published in 1978, with its objective to assemble a scientific knowledge base that relates to chiropractic as an alternative primary health care system–not simply to promote the professional aspects of the chiropractic profession.

“It’s like no other journal,” said NUHS President Emeritus, James F. Winterstein, DC, Class of 1968. “It is peer-reviewed, and listed inPubMed, so anyone can access it. It also comes from a university with a history of being a chiropractic institution, yet welcomes licensed health care professionals–MDs, DOs, PTs, and others–to submit research for review, and if it is accepted, publication. It is truly an integrated scientific journal.”

The concept of peer review is important for the integrity of the Journal.

First, it illustrates that other researchers of like interest have found the material to be useful and scientifically sound. TheJournal’speerreviewers include health care professionals from different institutions and backgrounds, and includes DCs, NDs, MDs, PTS, PhDs, and others.

Second, JMPT’s integrity is further lauded by the fact that the Journal is included in PubMed. This distinction is significant, because it means readers can access these unbiased, scientific, and evidence-based articles, said Winterstein. Many of today’s professional journals are supported by the companies for whom research is performed. Although the Journal is owned by National University and published by Elsevier, its research, articles and financial support are independent.

Current editor-in-chief, Claire Johnson, MSEd, DC, PhD, DACBSP, acknowledged it is a great honor to watch over the profession’s flagship journal. “It has been wonderful assisting the Journal as it has grown over the years. I have observed great changes since I first became editor in 2004,” she said.

“The Journal would not be the success it is today without all of the authors and peer reviewers who do tireless work with their research and review. The Journal embodies the very quintessence of the NUHS motto, ‘Esse Quam Videri’” — to be, rather than to seem to be. This theme is even incorporated into the JMPT logo,” added Johnson.

At its inception, research publications originated from chiropractic colleges. However, the number of affiliations from major research universities and institutions has increased three-fold over the past decade. Some of these world-renowned institutions include Stanford University School of Medicine, UCLA School of Public Health, the University of Sydney (Australia), and many more.

Over time, the scope of the JMPT has grown progressively. The number of submissions from international sources continues to increase with the majority of published studies in the last decade being from authors outside of the U.S. In 1982, research from 12 different countries was published; today, research originating from 40 countries outside of the U.S. has been published in the Journal.

“This in itself is an exciting trend, because it indicates there are opportunities for more research collaboration,” Johnson said. “Going forward, the Journal has, and will continue to support and publish the highest possible quality research and science.”

“National University’s commitment to evidence-based research remains paramount,” concluded President Joseph Stiefel, MS, EdD, DC. “On behalf of the entire NUHS community, congratulations to the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, its editor and staff, for 40 years of excellence!”

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